Return to Work, Contact Tracing and Beyond
We are mistaken to think that we can remain digitally connected today without giving up some of our privacy. Our public footprint afforded through our computers, cell phones and social platforms, is a two-edge sword. By staying “connected,” we also surrender a portion of our anonymity. We can and should opt out and turnoff cell tracking on occasion when we are resting and recharging.
However, the advantages of being connected to our community, employers and loved ones affords us a safety net in a world of escalating turmoil. The one-of-a-kind, critical event management firm, Everbridge, can reduce our exposure to current and trending threats to our safety in real time, proactively ensuring our well-being and steering us away from peril.
(Courtesy of Everbridge)
Return to Work, Contact Tracing and Beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause unprecedented challenges for organizations everywhere. Hundreds of millions of people are still working from home due to nationwide lock-downs and returning to work has its own set of unique security risks. Now more than ever, it’s important to understand the needs of employees, carefully coordinate their return to the workspace, and reestablish pre-crisis levels of safety and operations with risk assessment and contact tracing, all through a single pane of glass.
Know your Risk Landscape.
As employees return to work, COVID-19 remains a constant presence with new outbreaks every day, not to mention other disruptions, natural or man-made, which can also impact your business operations. Stay ahead of all potential risk developments with visual, real-time, hyper- local, rich, contextualized data on:
- Severe weather and natural disasters
- Civil unrest, protests
- New COVID-19 outbreaks
- COVID-19 declared quarantines
- Travel restrictions and bans
- Production stoppages
- Local regulations and restrictions (PPE, etc…) Quickly understand the possible impact on your employees, visitors, suppliers, supply chain routes, and customers, as well as employees’ and executives’ travel plans.
Keep Your Employees, Visitors and People Safe
You want to maintain a strong link with your people, wherever they are, and share with them what’s important:
- Survey employees to assess their health and needs
- Conduct regular wellness checks
- Determine employee’s readiness for returning to work
- Notify specific employees with rich, relevant, hyperlocal information
- Provide access to your organization’s employee resource repository.

Leverage End-to-end Contact Tracing
Reach out to your people, anywhere they might be at any point in time, with end-to-end Contact Tracing capabilities which includes current, past and expected locations, potential exposure, and follow-up management. Should they be:
- In your company’s facilities and buildings
- integration with building access system, Wi-Fi hot
- spots, facility security equipment, and more)
- Moving between buildings or campuses
- Working remotely via GPS localization or self check-in
- Traveling (via integration with your travel
- itinerary systems)
- Capturing location data from different sources in
- addition to proximity data, while fully adhering to
- privacy regulations and restrictions, constitutes the
- richest information that helps you understand the
- potential exposure of your employees and therefore
- take appropriate actions.
- Recover Your Operations
- Everbridge’s purpose-built solution helps you navigate
- and manage the multiple dimensions of the recovery. The
- solution helps automate flexible task lists and workflows
- based on phased approach to returning to work safely.
- In the event of new COVID-19 cases, the solution
- can rapidly identify people who may have been in
- contact with the infected person, and can communicate
- specific, confidential instructions to contain the spread
- and keep other employees safe and healthy. Leveraging
- Location History, the solution identifies possible past
- exposure when people were asymptomatic.
- Flexible Workflows Because
- Every Organization is Different
- Because clear, concise, and centralized information is
- paramount to keeping your employees safe and your
- operations running, the Everbridge mobile app offers
- custom widgets which can easily be configured so that
- employees get the following at their fingertips:
- Be directed to a repository with your company’s
- important news and resources related to COVID-19
- Access their country’s department of health symptom
- checker form
- Self-report COVID-19 symptoms or infection
- Receive information on the closest testing locations