“Better Living Through “VIRTUAL” Chemistry… So, we all have heard the expression, “Better Living through Chemistry.” Because of all of the advancements in just the last year, we can now say the same thing about our virtual world we live in, from the methods we use to connect, to all of the newest Cloud enhancements. Recent breakthroughs in Layer 2 (software) management, enhancements, and applications have brought us yet to a more efficient, user-friendly … [Read more...]
“Better Living Through “VIRTUAL” Chem
“Better Living Through “VIRTUAL” Chemistry… So, we all have heard the expression, “Better Living through Chemistry.” Because of all of the advancements in just the last year, we can now say the same thing about our virtual world we live in, from the methods we use to connect, to all of the newest Cloud enhancements. Recent breakthroughs in Layer 2 (software) management, enhancements, and applications have brought us yet to a more efficient, user-friendly and … [Read more...]
Read this year’s survey about the move
Read this year’s survey about the move to higher broadband and it economic impact across the country http://ow.ly/xF1py … [Read more...]
New face to my website! I think you will
New face to my website! I think you will like it! Please review it and give me feedback. Thanks! http://ow.ly/vRa16 … [Read more...]
Have you been “Googa-bit?” It’s spreadi
Have you been “Googa-bit?” It’s spreading! (Read on for details and coming cities..) Is Google setting a new standard in broadband with their new gigabit service? The near future could see basic broadband starting at the speed of 1 giga-bit. This could be the final nail in the coffin of Legacy carrier internet services. Why is Google taking out any possible profit in internet access? Why would they literally give it away? Well there is more profit in selling you their proprietary … [Read more...]
New Test
second test … [Read more...]
Testing … [Read more...]